Title: The Flash 2023
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Quality: HD
Directors: Andy Muschietti
Writer: Christina Hodson, Joby Harold
Stars: Sasha Calle, Ezra Miller, Ben Affleck

Barry Allen is still suffering with his mother’s unsolved murder and the arrest of his father, Henry. Barry uses his exceptional speed to fly back in time and modify events in order to save his mother’s life. As a result, he has a great influence on both past and future events. The Justice League has disintegrated, and Superman is powerless to resist General Zod’s invasion of Krypton. Barry must collaborate with both a younger version of himself and an aged Michael Keaton, who is reprising his role as Batman after three decades. The Flash begins with Batman pursuing crime boss Alberto Falcone, who has recently stolen a biological weapon from a hospital. He’s set off explosives, and Barry rushes to the rescue, saving numerous babies as the building crumbles.