Title: Hypnotic 2023
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Mystery, Thriller
Quality: HD
Directors: Robert Rodriguez
Writer: Robert Rodriguez, Max Borenstein
Stars: Ben Affleck, Alice Braga, JD Pardo
Danny Rourke, an urban police officer, laments the theft of Minnie, his seven-year-old daughter, whose captor, once apprehended, has no memory of his actions or her location in the opening scene of Hypnotic. The entire action is reenacted in slow motion for the audience in what appears to be a lame reproduction from a true-crime reality show. Later, as Danny tries to halt a bank heist as a result of an anonymous tip, he confronts the scary criminal Dellrayne, who appears to be able to persuade innocent bystanders to do his bidding by speaking a few words to them.
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